Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Harry Le Magnifique

Our dashing and intrepid Dem Leader was in Reno today lamenting all the multilateralism currently being wasted on the New Vice Chair of Disarmament (UN). Apparently he wants unilateral talks with the Iranian fascists.

Reid, D-Nev., said the administration should be taking the lead, but instead is relying on Germany, France and Great Britain to convince Iran to end its uranium enrichment program.

A fool's logic is best articulated by the fool himself.

Regarding (gasp) military action of any laterality:

"We don't have the resources to do it" because of the ongoing war in Iraq," he said.

And Reid, reliably chock full of good ideas, practical solutions and clear headed cognitive thought, surprisingly offered none today... (sarc)

I for one am fed up with the self-loathing, defeatist, hypocritical, back biting statements and (in)actions by the left.

By what they say and do, they are untrustworthy for positions in US leadership.

I hope US citzens are made aware of this in time.


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